Thursday, July 28, 2011

July Miscleaneous

We've had a very busy and fun summer. Here are some pictures to recap:
Lydia all dressed in white for church.

Watching the fireworks with great friends from a great location. Thanks David!
Wyatt, Lydia, and Jack

Popcorn is a must if your toddler is not very interested in the fireworks. Thanks Holly!

Joey, David, and Jack

Holly's parents

Nude swimming at the Parlier house has been a summer highlight.

She's usually very happy when she wakes from a nap, crazy hair and all.
I made laundry detergent. The directions are here and this is the only picture she was missing. If you need any detergent, let me know. I will be using it FOREVER, but it was cheap and it works just as good.  If I ever use it all, I will probably leave the next batch in powder form since I still have an old top-load washer and I don't like a 5 gallon bucket sitting in my hall bathroom shower that never gets used: directions. My Aunt Bev made it this way with Dove soap and it seems fine too. I will be making dishwasher detergent when I run out of my store bought (directions are also on the same blog).

Kim, my mom, and I went to Commerce and shopped at the outlet mall. We bought the girls matching dresses. Aren't they too cute?

My mom bought Lydia a very special present - Ladybug Boots!

Sand and water is the back bone of summer vacation.

Good Morning!
Breakfast in bed.

Lunch at Gazebo with Grammy.

Family reunion at the Otto Community Building.
Lydia and Manuel

Such a cutie!

I said, "Lydia stay inside." I guess she is, mostly...

Manuel thought it was very clever, too.

Eventually, she had weaseled her way out the door.

Ma Rea and 3 week old Aubrey
Riding 4 wheelers at my cousin's grandparents house just up the road. Thanks Nan and Pap! Liz was also watching Santiago, 3.5, and Chloe, 2.

Lydia kept going in the grass and Santiago would come to her rescue and push her out.

This picture could have a million captions. Hehe :)

It has been extremely hot this summer and we go to the park on a regular basis. Lydia has a great time in the water feature.

One day she spotted a turtle.

Hope wasn't too sure about the water.

Going through the tunnel and sliding and swinging has never been so much fun.

On our trip to Commerce, we ventured further south to Athens where there was a Target. I love Target. I wish we had one in Franklin. (sigh) Anyway, I finally found Lydia some bedding. Isn't it just too cute?!?

The curtains were too long, so my awesome mother, cut them off and made two throw pillows (not pictured).

The hair bow holder was once a sea green color with my name on it. My co-worker and awesome friend volunteered to take it home and re-paint it for Lydia. She finished it the same day I bought her bedding and had no idea what it looked like. I just told her to make it 'girly' since her room would probably change 5 times before she went to college. Amazingly, it matches GREAT! Thanks Brooke King for the very cute addition to my child's first girly bedroom.

Going to the local pool is always an adventure.

Kisses for Daddy

I got these super cute magnets for Lydia for Christmas. Most of the time she just rakes them into the floor and I have to put them back on the fridge on a daily basis. She now knows all of her colors and only takes off one color at a time and she usually helps put them back. I am a proud mama.

I can't believe I have to go back to school Monday. (Lydia would say, "Why?" over and over.) It has been a great summer and I'm sad that it was so short. We made some great memories and the fun times will keep coming!