Sunday, October 28, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood (and other cute things)

Isn't this the most adorable outfit you've ever seen?!?

Grandma and Grandpa took Lydia to the church harvest festival and she had a great time!

Madelyn just had cute outfits for the occasion:
Lydia picked out the bow. <3

That is homemade black raspberry jam on homemade bread with coffee and a sweet breakfast date.
Too sweet!
Clifford visited Lydia's school!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

8 days old

I have chosen this warm, cuddly teddy bear for Madelyn to take monthly pictures next to. It will be fun to see how she grows in comparison.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


We went to Pumpkinfest last year and had such a good time, we couldn't not go this year. Yes, Madelyn wasn't even a week old, but we bundled her up (probably too much since it wasn't as cold as I had thought) and she slept the entire time.

Watching the pumpkins roll down the big hill.

Posing for a picture. Isn't Bella a sweetie?

Tall tree man.

Crazy Colors ice cream. (and it comes out of clothes!)

Just enjoying the day.

Buckle up for safety - even in a fire truck.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Madelyn Avery is here!

At 39 week appointment, I was 3-4 centimeters and 50% effaced. The midwife thought it would be a week max. Fast forward 2 weeks to October 14: 6 days past due date. Induction scheduled for Monday morning at 7 am.

We've been going to Dairy Queen on Sunday nights, so here we go again around 6 pm. Lydia got a ghost ice cream creation, Joey got a strawberry milkshake, and I got a double cheeseburger with fries AND a soda! (Because really, how much can the baby gain in 12 hours, so gestational diabetes can just be ignored for one meal!) Started feeling contractions, but weren't sure if they were real. 
We took Lydia to my parents' house since we had to be at the hospital before she could be dropped off at school. More contractions about 7 minutes apart, but not very strong. Hung out for an hour and time between each went down to 5 minutes. Woohoo! This was it! Went home, showered, finished packing bags and away we went to the hospital 25 minutes away. During drive, pain became more intense and closer together. 
40 weeks, 6 days pregnant

9:00 pm - Admitted to hospital
9:30 pm - 7 centimeters, 100% effaced, -2 station
10:30 pm - Epidural!
11:30 pm - 10 centimeters, water gets broken, there is meconium so respiratory specialists are notified to be in room during delivery, waiting for baby to move down
12:30 am - Time to push!
1:21 am - Madelyn Avery is FINALLY here!
6 pounds 12 ounces
18 inches

Grammy and Grandma are the first to meet her!

Callie was actually working, so she was next.

Holly beat the crowd.

Lydia loves her sister!

The JKLM Kennedys!

Sheila and Morgan came too!

Madelyn gave Lydia a new back pack with big sister pajamas, book, and hair bow inside.

Grandpa and Grandma took care of Lydia while we stayed at the hospital Monday night.

Love my girls!
 And my husband!

Hope and Kim loved on her.

Whitney and Beverly (Steve came too)

Flowers from Prentiss. 

Going home Tuesday around lunch time.

Grammy and Papa came to visit. 

Balloons and Memarsh!

LOVE the hair!

Holly and her boys were pretty excited about the new baby. 

 Lindsay and baby Simpson came all the way from Asheville!

Sorry if you're getting bored of pictures, but I couldn't not post these.  

Madelyn was definitely worth the 41 week wait!