Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

The Easter Bunny filled the girls' baskets with goodies.

Family picture attempt number 1.

Attempts number 2 and 3.

Madelyn is a cutie patootie in her first Easter attire.

My cousin Lindsay's baby BOY was born on Saturday, so Mom, Gramma, Marcia, Bev, and I drove over to snuggle him Sunday after lunch.

Zade Owen Simpson, March 30, 2013, 2:39, 6lbs 13oz, 19.75 inches

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fun at Grammy and Papa's

Easter Surprises

I love taking pictures of my girls. Aren't they so pretty?!?!

before and after

 Madelyn really does smile, but not for the camera. Ever.

Lydia's dress is a beautiful hand-me-down. These pictures don't capture the embroidered detail very well. 

 Thanks Grandma for the Easter props!

A package came in the mail containing beach attire for both girls! Lydia now says daily, "Let's go to the beach!"

Thanks Tim, Diane, and girls!